

"Songkran Day"

               Thailand is a country with one of the most diverse places. The whole point of snorkeling, beaches, hundreds of islands, many entertainment, historic sites, museums, hill tribe villages, gardens, flowers, birds and the wonderful, palaces, temples and a large number of world heritage.
               The course has a lot of tourists during their stay in Thailand. This popular Thai cooking classes , Buddhism and Thai massage. Thailand's festivals range from the fun to splash water festival "Songkran Day". To the tradition of the legendary again "Loy krathong Day". Many local festivals in Thailand have their own as well. Including the famous. "The Elephant" in Surin province, "Traditional Bun Bang Fai" in or register. Festival suspicious of "Ghost Dance" in Dan Sai district.

"Loy krathong Day"

Discharge  Lamps


Sea mist  " Khao  Kho "

Thank for your attention............

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