Saturday, January 31, 2015

Welcome to Thailand

Welcome to Thailand

                 Welcome to Thailand. This will take you to the complete identity of the country. Some things you may have never seen before. And may be found in one place only. I will not say anything more than this. Take it with your eyes. >>>>>>>

" Muay  Thai "

" Thai Food "

" Thai Restaurant "

" Classic Thai  Dance "

" Thai Massage "

Thank  for  your Attention..........

Thursday, October 25, 2012


"Songkran Day"

               Thailand is a country with one of the most diverse places. The whole point of snorkeling, beaches, hundreds of islands, many entertainment, historic sites, museums, hill tribe villages, gardens, flowers, birds and the wonderful, palaces, temples and a large number of world heritage.
               The course has a lot of tourists during their stay in Thailand. This popular Thai cooking classes , Buddhism and Thai massage. Thailand's festivals range from the fun to splash water festival "Songkran Day". To the tradition of the legendary again "Loy krathong Day". Many local festivals in Thailand have their own as well. Including the famous. "The Elephant" in Surin province, "Traditional Bun Bang Fai" in or register. Festival suspicious of "Ghost Dance" in Dan Sai district.

"Loy krathong Day"

Discharge  Lamps


Sea mist  " Khao  Kho "

Thank for your attention............

Thai  Food

                Thailand cuisine combines the flavors of sweet, sour, spicy and bitter and salty.  Components, which are often used in cooking as well as Thailand, chili, garlic, lime juice and fish sauce and the ingredients of the food in Thailand is rice with brown rice and polished rice is ground.  A special feature is a nutritionally complete  and  medicinal herbs.  According to statistics found. The Thailand eating rice more than 100 kg per person per year  based on the name of the people, Thailand is curry fish with side dishes at a set  is based on the popular and well-known  around the world that is "Tom Yum Goong " by  2554 the site had CNNGO 50 most delicious food in the world by voting via facebook that "Massaman Curry" was selected as the most delicious food in the world.

Chicken  Massaman Curry

Chicken  Massaman Curry

Massaman Curry with Beef  +  Rice

Don't  forget  to  follow  me.   Thank you............

Muay Thai

            Muay Thai is a martial art from Thailand that uses punches elbow , forearm , palm , shank ,  foot sole and  body in the fight.


 Muay Thai

          Muay  Thai  Chaiya


                Formal muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups: mae mai or major techniques and luk mai or minor techniques. Muay Thai is often a fighting art of attrition, where opponents exchange blows with one another. This is certainly the case with traditional stylists in Thailand, but is a less popular form of fighting in the contemporary world fighting circuit where the Thai style of exchanging blow for blow is no longer favorable. Almost all techniques in muay Thai use the entire body movement, rotating the hip with each kick, punch, elbow and block.